

it’s not every day that we have a twitter celeb roll through the offices here as an intern. a few weeks back the social media department stumbled across @parsonsbetchess, who also happens to be one of nanette’s interns. the team invited her to our floor so we could have a little chat with her. it was interesting, and exciting. here’s what @parsonsbetchess had to say:

@nicoleloher: i know you’re super protective of your name, but can you give me your year or major?

@parsonsbetchess: bfa junior in fashion design

@nl: alright, now give me a brief synopsis of @parsonsbetchess.

@pb: in the making of three years for wanted to do create the page but i didn’t have enough material or the guts to do it. it’s a behind the scenes look of what it’s like to be a parsons student (good, bad, ugly, the inbetween). the tourists want to come in; it’s so different.

@nl: when did you begin tweeting? was it personal or when you started at parsons?

@pb: i started about 2 months ago. it has been taking off since september.

@nl: when did you start interning here at nanette?

@pb: september.

@nl: what do you like about it?

@pb: i love the environment. there has been a calm, good ora from day one. i feel a  lot less stressed when i’m here. i’ve seen it all; i’ve been through it all. i’m happy to be at a nice place.

@nl: can you tell me where you previously interned and which you like the most?

@pb: milly was a good experience. really great.

@nl: what are your sights set on after you graduate?

@pb: designer

@nl: what about @parsonsbetchess? will it live long?

@pb: maybe, who knows. maybe I’ll pass the baton down to someone who’s younger.

@nl: instagram?

@pb: i started to use instagram a little bit. but i’m kind of bad a taking photos.

@nl: what’s your favorite thing to tweet about?

@pb: the teachers during critiques. they say things like, “oh this look like something i’d wear to feed squirrels upstate.” you can’t make that up – it’s so funny.

i’m an ongoing shit show. i find myself getting into funny things.

@nl: what advice do you have for future interns?

@pb: be yourself. you gotta want this so bad – that’s the bottom line. all the craziness will be worth it if you want to be there.

be sure to follow @parsonsbetchess!

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